Exciting, New Ebook Award Program: www.globalebookawards.com

Got an eBook? Want national recognition and the news that your ebook is nominated for a Global eBook Award?
Sound good? Well it might be time to enter the second annual Global eBook Awards.
The deadline has been extended to April 30, 2012. Dan Poynter, Book Futurist,
created the Global E-Book Awards so eBook authors get read by their share of the global market www.GlobalEbookAwards.com .

E-Book sales are exploding. It’s a pretty exciting time!
A major problem for authors lacking a big following, as mentioned in a recent Wall St. Journal article,
is effectively marketing their eBooks. Poynter believes being involved in the Global eBook Awards
will give nominated Authors a boost towards finding their category audience.
With 100+fiction and non-fiction categories and the 4 new ones added the prominent judges welcome your eBooks:

Best eBook Cover, Best eBook Trailer, Best Illustration in Adult Fiction/Children Fiction/ Non-Fiction, and
Best Multimedia in an eBook (Audio/Video/Internet/App/iPad)

Join us in Santa Barbara on Saturday, August 18, 2012 for an evening of awards and fun with eBook winners!
YOU just might be a winner in your category.

All the best to you,

Barbara Gaughen-Müller (“gone”), Public Relations
Gaughen Global PR, www.globalebookawards.com (deadline April 30, 2012)