Posts by AlexRoslin:
Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence
August 18th, 2018Awards for the 2nd edition of Police Wife:
– 2018 Global Ebook Awards, bronze
– American Book Fest’s 2017 Best Book Awards Finalist
– 2018 Arthur Ellis Awards for Excellence in Canadian Crime Writing, finalist
– 2018 New York Book Festival, honourable mention
– 2018 Los Angeles Book Festival, honourable mention
– 2018 San Francisco Book Festival, honourable mention
– 2017 New England Book Festival, honourable mention
Awards for the 1st edition of Police Wife:
– American Society of Journalists and Authors’ prestigious Arlene Book Award for Writing that Makes a Difference
– Hollywood Book Festival non-fiction book award, runner-up
– eLit Book Awards, silver
– INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards, bronze
– Next Generation Indie Book Awards, finalist
– Sgt. Amy Ramsay, PhD, Ontario, senior police policy analyst, former president, International Association of Women Police
– Det. Albert Seng, PhD, Retired, Tucson Police Department, Arizona
“AMY’S STORY MIRRORS MINE IN SO MANY WAYS…. All of us associated with this profession must make it clear that domestic violence will not be tolerated in our ranks.”
– Deputy Chief Dottie Davis, Retired, Fort Wayne Police Department, Indiana
“KUDOS AND GRATITUDE TO ALEX ROSLIN…. This book needs to be widely circulated.”
– Leanor Johnson, sociologist, Arizona State University, fellow, National Council on Family Relations, former member, FBI advisory board on police stress and family violence
-Deborah Harrison, sociologist, University of New Brunswick
– Staff Sgt. Margaret Shorter, Retired, RCMP, president, International Association of Women Police
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WE CALL THE POLICE HEROES. They’re the ones breaking up fights and putting the bad guy in jail. But what happens when they go home to their families? Journalist Amy Morrison lived another side of policing in her marriage to a violent, controlling cop who drove her to the brink of suicide.
In Police Wife, Morrison and other police wives share their gripping and inspiring survival stories with award-winning investigative journalist Alex Roslin as he takes you inside the tightly closed police world and one of its most explosive secrets: domestic violence in up 40% of police homes, which departments mostly ignore or let slide.
Now in its updated and revised second edition, Police Wife gives a rare front-seat look at the amazing struggles and courage of abused police spouses worldwide–from Los Angeles to Montreal, Puerto Rico and South Africa–the ordeals of a handful of intrepid cops trying to change policing from within and why the abuse is an epidemic, one that may be getting worse.
We learn that police officers commit up to 15 times more domestic violence than the public. But most police departments don’t fire an officer even after a criminal conviction for domestic violence. Officers in some departments are disciplined more severely for stealing or lying than for assaulting their wife or girlfriend.
Police Wife, the first investigative book on the epidemic and a finalist or winner in nine book prizes, shows how abuse in police families affects us all and is closely linked to botched responses to 911 domestic calls at other homes, police killings of African Americans, police sexual harassment of women cops and young female drivers at traffic stops, and growing inequality in our communities.
ALSO READ ADVICE for survivors, friends and family and recommendations for change.
LEARN MORE or connect with the author at his blog PoliceDomesticViolence.Blogspot.com and the Police Wife page on Facebook. Available on Amazon in paperback or on Kindle.