A major challenge with ebooks is a lack of visibility. Ebook authors and publishers are not good at letting their potential readers (“tribe”) know there is a new book that should interest them. Most ebook authors and publishers do not even know where to start. So they don’t.

They upload their ebook to a website and sit back.

This is called “Post and Pray.”


There is a solution.


The Global Ebook Awards come with a built-in promotion program.

Once a book is accepted into Nomination, the applicant is sent a detailed title-promotion assignment each week.

Meanwhile, we are promoting their book to their category outlets.


The first assignment is for applicants to sign up for Google Alerts.

We suggest they create alerts for their category, book title, publisher’s name, author’s name, etc.


Most authors and publishers do not even know about this free clipping service offered by Google Alerts. See Alerts.Google.com to sign up.

You can receive alerts as emails or sort through them in Google’s RSS Reader. See Reader.Google.com to create additional feeds of information instead of using your inbox.


We do this so entrants in our competition will see the results of our collective promotional efforts.

The program is not only promotional for their ebooks, but it is designed to encourage authors to learn how to promote their ebooks for the future.

But because authors don’t start as self-promoters or marketers, we offer the Global eBook Awards to show them simple things they can do so that they don’t have to spend time learning it by themselves.

In addition, they don’t have to spend time learning what is and is not a good use of their valuable time.