A survivor. A soulmate. A secret, affecting telomeres–the protective tip of the human chromosome that controls cell life. And death.
High school senior Amanda Michaels suffers amnesia with regard to everything before the jet crash. She loses her parents and her memory in the aftermath, but miraculously survives. While recovering, Amanda strikes up a whirlwind romance with a young hospital volunteer, but only recalls a haunting series of flashbacks of her near death experiences (NDE’s). Her uncle, high profile DC trial attorney Andy Michaels represents her and many victims against Hemispheres Airways.
What to expect inside “Taming”:
- Explore the medical mysteries behind NDE’s;
- Why cell telomere medical research is worth billions to the world’s superpowers;
- Peeks inside the USA’s top secret Foreign Intelligence Courts;
- Spying. Covert Ops. Cover-up at the highest levels?As the major monetary settlements with Hemispheres are looming, both Amanda and her uncle Andy stumble onto evidence of possible sabotage of the jet and a link to her dad’s classified biological research on cell telomeres. Why was her dad’s research so valuable? Once Amanda learns she may possess biological secrets that competing intelligence agencies will kill for, she has no idea who to trust, unwittingly caught up in a web of biological espionage. Amanda’s personal roller coaster ride explores romance, heartbreak, depression, persistence and ultimate redemption. The fast paced story moves between Middleburg, Virginia horse farms, Washington, DC, New York city and points between. A series of stunning twists unwind along the path to the unforeseen climax.