….. continues the roller-coaster ride of mania, depression, panic and anxiety with mother and daughter.
Natasha’s Ride
From a break-down to a break-up.
From the city to the mountains.
From mental illness to physical ailments.
From friend to friend.
From hospital to hospital.
From dreaming of death to loving life and back again.
From moments of sheer panic to moments of pure joy.
From snow to fire.
From hope to despair.
From book 1 to book 2.
From dreading change to embracing it.
From there to here to now.
Ela’s Ride
Finally, we have the correct diagnosis for our ‘different’ daughter, but this is not enough to stop the Bi-Polar roller-coaster. I am still along for the ride as we navigate through drugs, medications, boyfriends, girlfriends, holidays, mania, depression, panic, anxiety, doctors, hospitals, stress, emotional landmines and physical complications. Belatedly I discover a few home truths about myself.