Global Ebook Awards Judging
Judges & Judging
Instructions for Judges
Judges Score Sheets
Call for Judges
Dan Poynter’s Global Ebook Awards needs more judges. We are overwhelmed with entrants in the 100+ categories. Just select your favorite category and you will get ebooks to read and evaluate.
Contests are more successful when there are several judges per category. Judges aren’t rushed to read when they sign up early. We welcome book bloggers, librarians, book club, and reading circle members, and we also welcome professional critics and subject matter experts in the category they prefer.
We will not reveal to the authors or publishers that you judged their ebook. You will be asked to evaluate all the submitted ebooks in the category of your choice. Only the title of the book is listed on the judges only page, if you want a full description of an ebook you can go to that ebook’s listing at Amazon or Read the description and the reviews there. Note that Amazon is for more information only. Amazon is not where judges retrieve ebooks. Go to for the ebooks you want to evaluate.
While your subjective evaluation and comments are most important, we will supply you with a score sheet to aid you in your objective evaluation.
We also have a Judge logo that you can use for your blog, website, ezine, etc.
While we welcome publishers of all size, we want this contest to be a place where self-publishers can stand alongside other authors on an equal footing with an equal shot at exposure and recognition.
The Global Ebook Awards can’t promote great ebooks without you so please contact us today and ask to be a judge!
Request to be an ebook judge by completing the information below. You must confirm your email address upon submission in order to receive your acceptance notification and instructions for retrieving your reading selections.
If you do NOT receive an email confirmation request or have any questions, please contact
Dan Poynter’s Global Ebook Awards, Santa Barbara.