Ebook Community

Ebook Community on Yahoo! Groups (Click on “Join This Group!” at the upper-right.) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ebook-community/ MobileRead http://www.mobileread.com/ EbookFriends.com http://www.ebookfriends.com/archive/topic3_39.php ebook88: ebook...

Radio and Television Interviews

Authors are finding that publisher do not promote books. The author has to do it. Check these websites to find what these companies can do for your ebook.   Bradley’s Guide to the Top National TV Talk & Interview Shows, Bradley Communications Corp., Steve...

Ebook Marketing and Promotion

These firms can help you get out the word on your book. AtlasBooks, a Division of BookMasters, Inc., Cathy Purdy 30 Amberwood Parkway, Ashland, OH 44905 Tel: 800-537-6727; Fax: 419-281-0200...

Ebook Bookstores

Writing and producing your eBook are two essential steps. Next comes making your eBook available. Here are some eBook wholesalers and retailers. See their websites. Smashwords, Mark Coker, http://Smashwords.com Booklocker, Angela Hoy Tel: 207-262-5544 email:...

Ebook Cover Design

“The outside sells the inside.” Covers sell ebooks. If your cover is not compelling, readers will never find how good your text is. Each artist has a different style. Visit their websites to see samples of their work. Find a style that will fit your ebook and appeal...


David B. Schlosser, Writer, communications strategist 143 Timberside Dr., Davidson, NC 28036 Tel: 704-660-5482 e-mail: dbschlosser@analects-ink.com or go to...