Posts by Vicky Ruppert and Ann Henderberg:
Singing in the Rain: Weathering the Storm of Dementia with Humor, Love, & Patience
January 28th, 2014Our book is a compelling must read for caregivers and their families and friends. As caregivers, we recount our husbands’ final three years with dementia, and act as each other’s main support through the disease. Although we came from different generations, we formed a bond through the exchange of e-mails and journal entries chronicling our day to day challenges.
We will provide you with the confidence that you are not alone in the roller coaster ride of emotions you experience along the way, present you with humorous moments that make you laugh out loud; teach you forgiveness for yourself and your care-partner; offer ideas to help you survive the journey; and suggest physical aids to make each day better.
We also offer a blog site where you can go to learn new information about dementia, caregiving, and leave comments, questions, and suggestions for us and others. You can’t go wrong! With all the baby boomers aging to the point where Alzheimer’s and dementia becomes a probability, it’s a great book to have on your bookshelf!