Posts by henk_botha:
7 Steps to a Negotiation Road Map: How to Prepare Your Next Negotiation Strategy
May 7th, 2013Prepare negotiation strategies with the seven simple steps of the Empower ™ technology. In negotiation, preparation is your key to driving a hard bargain without driving people away. Take on any deal-making opportunity, and make it work for you! This read-what-you-need book gives you the steps, tactics and checklists to succeed in contract negotiation, salary negotiation and price negotiation.
Besides having a business with outstanding products or services, you must negotiate top deals. This book shows you how to plan for your next negotiation strategy to add top value to your transactions. Avoid paying too much, settling too low, or conceding too quickly! Dr Henk Botha invented the E.m.p.o.w.e.r. ™ technology that reveals the insider secrets and tactics use by the world’s best negotiators.
In this read-as-you-need book, you will discover how to –
– choose the appropriate negotiation style for a negotiation
– when to toughen and when to soften your style
– three proven techniques to toughen your style, without becoming argumentative or hostile
– package an opening proposal for maximum impact and credibility
– use a tool to get more for less – instantly!
– increase your flexibility and widen your options
– add value to any transaction, such as salary negotiation
– Leverage – how to get it, use it, keep it!
– uncover hidden leverage by comparing the your and the other party’s priorities
– pull your bargaining levers to drive a hard bargain without driving away the other person.
– 7 ways to shield your sensitive information
– use questions to see what the other party really thins.
– how to rehearse your negotiation plan and mentally prepare for the negotiation
The read-what-you-need book gives many true-to-life examples, checklists, and questions to guide you in developing your negotiation strategy. You can repeatedly refer to it before and even during negotiations to give you new ideas and options.
Dr Henk Botha is an international negotiation expert and speaker with more than 40 years’ experience in business negotiations, sales and purchasing negotiations and collective bargaining. Tens of thousands of businesspersons from many countries rated his negotiation seminars as excellent and down to earth.