Posts by gigisedlmayer:
Talon, Encounter by Gigi Sedlmayer
February 11th, 2018It is war, it is revenge – The poachers are back, and they are looking for Talon! Now the fight begins, the poachers against the condors, Matica and the Indians – with the poachers even taking hostages to win the war.
The poachers are doing everything in their power to capture Talon, and if they can’t get him alive, will kill him. Determined to get him at all costs the poachers run up against the might and will of Tamo, Tima and Talon.
Between the poachers shooting at the condors, the crows playing their part, and Tamo being shot and injured, Matica goes above and beyond to help her beloved condors.
Will the poacher win or will the condors win with Matica?
Action-packed from beginning to end.
Talon Encounter will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Talon, Encounter by Gigi Sedlmayer
February 1st, 2018Her disability is her greatest strength.
“I see myself as a girl that likes to overcome all obstacles, all problems and all difficulties how bad they maybe, because I found out in my young life that I can overcome them, if I set my mind to it. I succeeded and so can you. Don’t stick your head in the sand, face your difficulties, face your affliction. Look for a condor as I have done, I don’t mean a real condor like me, but something you can identify yourself with, relay to it, love to do or like to be.”
It is war. The poachers are back.
The poachers against the condors, Matica and the Indians – with the poachers even taking a young boy hostage to win the war.
The poachers looking for Talon! Revenge is in their eyes. They are doing everything in their power to capture Talon, and if they can’t get him alive, will kill him. Determined to get him at all costs the poachers run up against the might and will of Tamo, Tima and Talon.
With the help of Tamo and Tima, Talon and Matica do the impossible, knowing they have to capture and stop the poachers or they will be back.
Between the poachers shooting at the condors, the crows playing their part, and Tamo being shot and injured, Matica goes above and beyond to help her beloved condors.
Action-packed from beginning to end, Talon Encounter will keep you on the edge of your seat.