Posts by DanPoynter:
- An official sticker for your ebook cover, website, and promotion materials.
- A free listing in Publishing Poynters Marketplace offering copies of your book for reviews in prestigious ebook dealers’ sites such as Smashwords.com, Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com, and others.
- A six-step publicity program. Each week, we show you how to publicize your ebook.
- Media coverage for your book and you.
- Winners and finalists will be listed on the official Global Ebook Awards site.
- Global Ebook Award certificates are available to winners and finalists–attesting to their honor.
- Winners will be announced to the media in news releases.
- Discounts on video trailers for YouTube, Amazon, and your website.
- Discounts on other services for authors and publishers.
- And much more…
- Entry into the awards contest www.GlobalEbookAwards.com
- 6 Promotional Projects
- User Post & Promote https://globalebookawards.com/user-publicity/
- All books nominated may use the promotional verbiage “Nominated for the Global eBook Award.”
- Award stickers (files) in .tif, .png, and .jpg for “applying” to ebook covers, websites and promotional materials. Stickers will be awarded as Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention.
New Book Release by Dan Poynter
April 30th, 2015From Keyboard to Shelf
Contact: Ellen Reid 805-770-2842
How long does it take to produce a book?
Large New York Publishers normally need 18 months, from the time they accept your manuscript, to get your book produced.
Self-publishers need just 2-3 weeks to have a book printed.
The time to publish an eBook is just a click.
Think about your book. How long before a portion of the information will go out of date? How long will your audience wait for your knowledge and research?
How long should an author wait for monetary reward?
More and more authors are taking control of their books by self-publishing. They are making more money and getting to press sooner.
Once the book is written, the next challenge is reaching your target audience to announce that you have a book they will want. Adapting proven techniques to new technology is an exciting part of the Para Promotion Program.
Dan Poynter’s Para Promotion Program is a series of book promotional projects the author can accomplish without leaving home. The weekly assignments show the author what to do to reach his or her audience. Each assignment takes five to 120 minutes to complete. The program not only shows the author how to promote his or her current book, it is a crash course in book promotion that can be applied to future books. And authors who understand how to reach their audience tend to write books their readers want.
Para Promotion is the brainchild of Book-Publishing Futurist Dan Poynter of Santa Barbara. Poynter says: “The challenge is that most of us authors are introverts. We prefer not to take part in radio, TV, or autograph parties. So, I assembled a team of PR and website design professionals to design a procedure acceptable to (homebody) book authors.”
Dan Poynter has written more than 130 books; many on book writing, publishing and promoting. He is often referred to as a “book futurist.”
Para Promotion is a new division of Para Publishing, established in 1969. For details, see: ParaPromotionBook.com
Global Ebook Awards Deadline Fast Approaching
March 30th, 2015For Immediate Release . . .
Global Ebook Awards Deadline Fast Approaching: Publishing Wizard-Founder Dan Poynter Invites All Ebook Authors to Submit Their Ebooks for Awards
With the deadline fast approaching, April 30th 2015, there is just enough time to enter your Ebook in the Fifth Annual Global Ebook Awards.
This prestigious Award Contest is a fantastic marketing tool for your Ebook. Just for entering your nomination includes:
• 6 PR opportunities as soon as your enter emailed directly to you
• Entering differentiates your Ebook from other Ebooks
• Prestigious judges to read your Ebook
• An opportunity to alert your local media to your nomination
• Awards announced on website August 16, 2015
• And so much more at: www.globalebookawards.com
Winning an Award releases an entire set of new marketing possibilities!
Enter today. Only one month to enter.
Go to: www.globalebookawards.com
Questions please phone Becky at 805 968 7277.
2015 – The Fifth Annual Program is now Accepting Entries
September 20th, 2014Imagine…
The thrill of your ebook qualifying for an award.
Entrants receive:
To be successful, fiction needs to be read.
To be successful, nonfiction has to be brought to the attention of its category audience. Readers have to read your book, love it, and tell someone else. This is “word of mouth.” The Global Ebook Awards are designed to help you achieve these goals.
Accepting entries: Now, from ebook authors and publishers.
Nearly 100 categories: Based on the number of entrants for each category last year, the categories have been expanded.
See https://globalebookawards.com/registration/
More than 200 Judges.
We have “category experts” such as book bloggers, editors, reviewers, publishers, authors, book club/reading circle members, and others who love a particular category of book. More judges per category mean more evaluations of your ebook.
See https://globalebookawards.com/judging/
Eligibility: Ebooks released to the public anytime in 2013, 2014, or 2015
See https://globalebookawards.com/instructions-for-entering/
Application deadline: April 30, 2015 (midnight, Pacific Time).
When ebooks are entered early, more judges have more time to read and evaluate them.
Winners Announcement: August 16, 2015
See https://globalebookawards.com/
This web site is not just about the Global Ebook Awards. It is your resource for “everything ebook.” See
Submitting your ebook for a Global Ebook Award is a publicity investment which your ebook deserves.
Ayshus on the Inside
April 7th, 2014Ayshus on the Inside is a children’s chapter book (though editors say it is a book for all ages) about a disgruntled crayfish named Crawford, who gets stranded in the Upper World of unknown dangers. He is befriended by a butterfly named Alicia, and the two of them share a variety of life-learning experiences. With Alicia’s help, Crawford is able to return to his home in Crawdad Creek.
Fourth Annual Global Ebook Awards – Now Open for Submissions
September 5th, 2013For Immediate Release
Date: September 5, 2013
Fourth Annual Global Ebook Awards –
Now Open for Submissions
Ebook Awards Bring Publicity and Readers to Ebooks
September 5, 2013, Santa Barbara, CA. To break out of the ebook pack and get the attention of ebook readers, your ebook needs media attention via publicity which comes with your entry into http://www.GlobalEbookAwards.com
Dan Poynter’s 4th annual Global Ebook Awards are more than an honor for the best ebooks published. The Global Ebook Award Program offers high-profile publicity for ebook authors, publishers. Your ebook entry allows readers to discover your ebook through a built-in publicity campaign.
Entering your ebook is fast and easy! https://globalebookawards.com/instructions-for-entering/
What authors/publishers get for submitting their ebooks:
Dates for Entry:
Ebook released anytime in 2012, 2013, and 2014
Application deadline: April 30 2014, midnight, Pacific Time.
Winners and finalists will be listed on the official http://www.GlobalEbookAwards.com site and
Winners and finalists will be offered Global eBook Award certificates.
Winners will be announced to the media in news releases.
And much more…
“To break out of the pack and rise above the noise, your ebook needs to get read. Readers have to read it, love it, and tell someone else. This is “word of mouth.” Global Ebook Awards are more than a “sticker:” they come with a built-in publicity machine.
To be successful, fiction has to get read.
To be successful, nonfiction has to be brought to the attention of its category audience.
The Global Ebook Awards are designed to help you achieve these goals.
Dan Poynter, Founder
Dan Poynter is a well known book futurist and respected member of the book publishing community since 1969 http://www.parapublishing.com.