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The purpose of ebook awards is to bring attention to ebooks, authors, and publishers. The desire for publicity must be balanced with the need for privacy.

In the publicity we do for the awards program, we will only supply the contact information you provide. We will not share your addresses with any third-party vendors.

In addition, your credit card information, registration information, and any other information that you provide to us will not be shared with any parties without your express permission.

The Privacy Policy is a standard statement just stating that the credit card information that consumers provide will not be used for any other purpose but to purchase the stated service or good, etc.


No credit card data is stored on our computers. All ordering information is encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol before being processed.

Choose instant online processing or send a money order by mail — it’s your choice.


In the event that your ebook is not accepted into Nomination because it is not on sale on the Internet or for whatever reason we have exercised the right to not include it in our competition, you are entitled to a full refund and it will be processed immediately by Global Ebook Awards and will appear on your next bank statement just as soon as banks and other pay-handling parties have processed the refund.

Refunds will not be given after the Nominee Sticker has been issued.

It is possible that some categories may not have any winners; no refunds will be given if your ebook is in a category where no awards are given.

Rights Notice

These electronically-transmitted website pages are copyrighted © and belong to Indigo Enterprises LLC and are offered for your personal use. All rights are reserved.

The information contained in these pages is for the personal use of the reader and may not be incorporated into publications, databases, or software programs, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations, with attribution, for the purposes of review, without the written consent of Becky Carbone. Making copies of these pages, or any portion, for any purpose other than as stated is a violation of United States copyright laws.

Prices May Change

Prices for products and services offered by Global Ebook Awards are subject to change without notice.


The Global Ebook Awards and its employees and contractors are using their best efforts in preparing these pages and their services. The Global Ebook Awards and its employees and contractors make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the information and services supplied.

Limits of Liability

The Global Ebook Awards and its employees and contractors shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the providing of the information and/or services offered here.


Global Ebook Awards and associated artwork are trademarks of Becky Carbone. All other product and brand names mentioned on this site are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


The Global Ebook Awards is owned by Indigo Enterprises, LLC.