Clover and the Twins: The Search for the Cloverleaf Dogs, is an action-packed adventure about twin ten-year-old girls who adopt a dog with a cloverleaf marking on her ears. Clover turns out to be a special dog, indeed, and as the twins travel across the country as spokesgirls for Dogs Forever, a dog rescue organization, they find their expedition to be one of both escapade and education.

As one reviewer put it: Clover is a thoroughly enjoyable pup who you will be rooting for with every turn of the page. Equally engaging are Clover’s “people”–the spunky and tenacious ten-year-old twins, Channel and Bezel. With these great characters and an evil villain with a fondness for exotic animal skins and stolen masterpieces, as well as a plot with twists that lead us from an abandoned train yard on the south side of Chicago across the country and back again to tony Michigan Avenue, you have all the makings for a great timeless story–one where love and human kindness prevail.
