An intimately lost Italian narrative persona in search of a new life. An ancient American city of the Old South, softly “female” and welcoming to all, especially to “Her” beloved ghosts. A New Zealander florist who loves shoes and adores others. The cult of Friendship and the religion of Remembrance. A cat fisherman who barely speaks and “His” other deeply wise animal friends. A bronze statue that listens. A rich eccentric become a taxi driver for boredom and psychologist by vocation. A mayor without a City Hall, but beloved and listened. An old African-American who wonders about the great mysteries of life. Together, with other colorful characters, all intersect on a scenario of poignant and subtropical beauty creating a choral story without boundaries. A touching and funny “adult tale” who will make you cry and smile at the same time (Finalist at 2012 Global eBook Awards edition – Popular Literature Fiction category).
Whispering Tides
by guido_mattioni | Sep 27, 2012 | Nominee Publicity | 9 comments
It’s good to be “here” again. I start feeling home. Thanks to Dan and a big hug to all his kind staff
Ciao from Italy!
Awesome as always Guido!
Reading this book is an amazing eperience. When I opened the first page and started reading… the desire to get to the final one was very strong.
Again…: I’ve met the Author an exceptional open minded italian journalist able to get the reader insiide the book as he would be there… in Savannah!
Great Guido! Tell me: when will be publisshed the “sequel”?
Ci sarà un altro romanzo – I’m already working on it – ma non un sequel, almeno non per ora. Caro Franco, mi faresti la cortesia (lo dico anche agli altri) di incollare il commento proprio nella mia pagina dell’Awards che si apre cliccando quell’url? Non ti dico grazie perchè so che ti incazzi, ma non puoi impedirmi di pensarlo
Guido… la lobotomia non è ancora stata abolita… ergo:NON PENSARLO! che mi vengono cattivi penzieri…
Ho aperto url e ho visto che il commento c’era già… non so… misteri del “WWW”?
Se i sentimenti valgono ancora, se le parole hanno un senso, se i tramonti in riva al mare ci commuovono, se i veri amici e il tempo trascorso in loro compagnia ci arricchiscono e ci fanno stare bene, se i luoghi sono importanti e ci aiutano ad affievolire la nostalgia…allora è indispensabile leggere il romanzo di Guido Mattioni
In bocca al lupo, Guido Mattioni
Grazie Paola, sei sempre gentilissima!